The Puddelbee Company


composed by Jeremiah Puddelbee

All puzzles are free to download as pdf documents, and solutions will be available for purchase a reasonable time after the puzzle was first uploaded. The latest puzzle is available from this page, with a larger selection on the individual pages. Older puzzles will be removed periodically.

Copyright Statement

The name Keta-Kan in all its forms including with and without capitalisation, hyphenation and other punctuation, and the concept and style of the Keta-Kan puzzle are claimed as the property of the author.The styles of the Hextet Sudoku and Fractions puzzles are claimed as the property of the author. Fair use is allowed with attribution to the author’s pseudonym Jeremiah Puddelbee, and includes the inclusion of the puzzles in any print or online publication in which they do not contribute a significant portion of derived revenue through sales, advertising or marketing activities.